Think big.
Dream wild.
Act together.

In Summer 2023, more than 40,000 Scouts from all over the world will gather in Korea for the 25 World Scout Jamboree. We’re so proud that thousands of UK young people aged 14 to 17 and their leaders will be there, we’ll call ourselves the UK Contingent.
Our Contingent are more than just travel buddies, they are planners, fundraisers, motivators and mentors. We’ve got a lot to achieve in a short time but we’ll leap at the challenge as we… Think big. Dream wild. Act Together.
We don’t just dream. We act.
We dream about a sustainable world, where everyone’s welcome. But we’re not just about dreaming, Scouts want to see action too. Our UK Contingent won’t silently creep round global issues, we’ll be trailblazers for getting young voices heard… You’re gonna hear us roar.
We know that dreams come true when we work together.
Hertfordshire Scouts are looking to recruit a new deputy leader for Unit 24 that will be travelling to the World Jamboree in South Korea on 26th July 2023. Further details about how to apply for this vacancy are contained in the documents below.
Applicants should be over 18 and members of the Scout Association or Girlguiding Hertfordshire.
The first stage is for you to complete the application form and either email or post it to the addresses given at the end of this form. Please also complete the UK Contingent equal opportunities monitoring form below:
I would encourage all Leaders from all sections to apply, this will be an opportunity of a lifetime for those leaders selected, as well as being a life changing experience for the young people who participate.
Please send email replies to or postal replies can go to:
World Scout Jamboree 2023
Hertfordshire Scouts
Phasels Wood Activity Centre
Rucklers Lane
Kings Langley
WD4 9NA.
If you have any queries about completing this form or wish to have an informal chat about the job in question, you are invited to contact:
Peter Makewell ACC International on 07931 543 185
The deadline for all applications is Sunday 12 February 2023
Good luck with your application.